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The Dragon Journey

Publish DateJan 31, 2022


Origin Story

It's Tuesday Afternoon…

…and you're running to a meeting ⏱️ You haven't eaten all day and your stomach is grumbling! You go into a convenience store and look at the protein bar isle. Chocolate 🍫 , caramel, peanut butter  and fudge - all decadent options but certainly not what you're craving. You want something salty! So you go to the chips isle, but you worked so hard for those abs  that any of these would destroy your efforts 🙅. “Maybe an onigiri 🍙” you think to yourself. But taking the onigiri is like getting on a carboloaded taxi ride 🚕 to sleepy town 💤 !

What to do 🤷 !?


Enter Dragon Bars !

The world's first gluten free, savory, ketogenic protein bar in the market! With all the flavors you love: pizza 🍕, smokey peppers 🌶, garlicky cheese 🧀 , and more! With less than 10g of carbs and more than 20g of protein. The conveniency and nutrition of a full meal packed into a delicious and portable snack. 



Why Dragon Bars?

We concived Dragon Bars with an eagerness to provide a healthy alternative that is portable, easily accessible, and delicious. While we loved onigiris from 7/11, we knew that they weren’t the best snack for a mid-afternoon bite. After consuming our fair share of nuts, carrots, and peanut butter, we realized we couldn’t wait any longer for the perfect product to arise. So that’s when we decided to create Dragon Bars.

To design the flavors behind Dragon Bars, we asked ourselves: what are some of our most common cravings?  So, I asked my mother what she was craving during her pregnancy and, without skipping a beat, she said "Pizza!" So that became our first flavor.  Pizza without the guilt! Along with it came the smokeshow, which is our twist on Barbecue chips.  Nowadays, we ask our clients to pitch in with ideas and after a lot of experimentation, we're landing on more and more delicious alternatives for savory snacks that don't need to be refrigerated.  If you have any thoughts on ideas, don't hesitate to reach out to!


Savory, Nutritious, and Green!

Alongside a product that is healthy for the consumer, Dragon Bars strives to also be great for the planet 🌏  . We use mostly vegan ingredients 🌱 our protein comes from peas, our flavors from natural compounds such as nutritional yeast, and our collagen from naturally derived extracts. We try to reduce our carbon footprint so that Dragon Bars add to the sustainability of humanity.

Insulin sensitivity is another extra important topic for us. We wanted to produce bars that satisfies all of your cravings without spiking your insulin!  But that, my friends, is a topic for another day... Stay tuned!



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