
Henna for beautiful hair

Publish DateAug 31, 2021

Have you heard of henna? If not, you should give this a try if you want beautiful hair naturally.

I love to try natural remedies on my hair. Since childhood, my mother always highlighted the benefits of natural products and encouraged me to continue to do so. On one such adventure to find the perfect natural hair care, I bumped into henna.

What is henna? Henna is a natural dye that comes from a plant with the same name.

Botanically known as Lawsonia inermis, henna, since ancient times, has transformed hair in South Asia and Africa.

Now, let’s look at some of the benefits of henna.

Henna adds beautiful, rich red-brown color to your hair. It’s a natural dye.

2.    Henna is effective in getting rid of dandruff because of its antifungal properties. 

3.    Vitamin E, present in henna, nourishes the hair. It makes it smooth and shiny.

4.    Henna can also prevent premature graying.

If you haven’t tried this already, then you should. Here is the simple henna recipe for your hair:

I always recommend buying as much natural henna as possible. So, please be careful with the ones that add unnecessary chemicals.

Once you buy good quality henna, add some water to the powdered henna. Make a paste with the correct consistency, sort of like hot chocolate. It shouldn’t be runny.

Henna can leave a stain on the skin. So be careful while applying. Recommend you use rubber gloves and a hair dye brush to avoid further staining.

Once applied to hair, wear a shower cap and forget about it. Some people even prefer leaving henna overnight for better color. It’s an individual choice. I tend to keep it for approximately three hours.

After the waiting period, you can wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

But if you have dry and frizzy hair, then add some moisturizer. A good natural moisturizer is a bowl of yogurt. Yogurt and henna go very well.

I would like to know about your henna journey; please share!

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