
Weight loss tips - the real deal

Publish Date2022-03-23

No, it is not just about diet and exercise. 

Age and genetics come first. 

Aside from that, cortisols increase your appetite, and insulin instructs your body to store fat. 

So first,

1) Cut off stress factors in your life, ghost your toxic friends, and minimize your interactions with abusive people in your life; 

2) Care less about people who wrongly accuse you; stand up for yourself when necessary, but radically accept the fact that not everyone is going to like you, and not everyone is open to hearing the truth. If they are not the jury, the judge, or the arbitrator, it is okay to be misunderstood; Quit explaining to people of no importance; 

3) Do not compare yourself to others, especially those on social media. Liposuction, photoshop, filters...social media profiles are highly curated. Not to mention that anyone who lives a picture-perfect life on the outside is highly likely to be a narcissistic sociopath; (cue: the downfall of the Asian superstar Wang Leehom.) So do not feel bad if your life is not as perfect as theirs. 

4) Then cut carbs, cut refined sugars, for they trigger insulin the most;

5) Then we come to exercises. Personally, I endorse resistance training and weight lifting. Cardio is good for heart health but weight training truly empowers the body. Stronger muscles absorb glucose better and lower your blood sugar. When it comes to fat loss, muscles also burn more energy when you rest. 

6) Last but not least, sleep more and sleep better. If you are too tired to exercise, sleep. If you are too tired for unnecessary and unimportant activities, sleep. Do not be afraid of peer pressure for those friends who truly care about you, will, let, you, sleep. 

Seriously, let us prioritize health over body image. We have to be healthy, and weight loss will come naturally. 


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我本身就是有濕疹,皮膚也是屬於比較容易起乾疹、過敏的,我們家兩位寶寶呢也是一樣,天氣一轉變,即便只是下個雨或曬了一下太陽,濕度溫度升降,皮膚也可能出現過敏痕癢😥之前也有給他買一些專門給濕疹嬰兒用的洗護產品,可是夏天用都有點太油膩,好像一直不吸收,悶著皮膚,反而會讓他起紅疹。 不同品牌都試了一下,覺得最合適還是特福芬家的,成份天然溫和之餘,質地更清爽。 洗髮露里添加了有機金盞花,而沐浴露和潤膚乳就加入了有機的橄欖油,都是有效舒緩鎮靜皮膚的成份。整個系列都帶一點淡香,不會太濃,不用擔心香精的問題,而且質地偏流質狀一點,起泡不多,應該是沒加起泡劑,更能呵護寶寶的柔嫩皮膚。 洗得頭皮乾淨,髮質柔順,即便不小心洗進眼睛也不會刺激。 沐浴露也是一樣洗得乾淨,仍然保留皮膚水份,洗完之後再搽潤膚乳。它的潤膚乳比其他同類型產品更好推開吸收,吸收後會有薄薄一層油分,為皮膚鎖住水份,但不是油膩膩的感覺,摸起來還是乾爽柔軟的👍🏼 用了大概三個月,覺得寶寶們的皮膚有變得比較穩定,雖然還是不時有過敏的狀況出現,但比起之前要輕微多了,不會癢到一直抓,也很快消失🥳👏🏼有時候我洗完手也會搽一搽,跟護手霜一樣...
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